Monday, May 24, 2010

Amazing article: One of the nicest people you've never met

I am still not ready to talk about the tragedy that has happened before us but this is one article that everyone should read about my amazing sister-in-law; one of the nicest people you've never met.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Negativity. It is everywhere. And to be honest, I absolutely, 110% can not stand it. Why are people so negative? Since when do we look at the negative side of things before we look to find the positive? There is at least one positive in even the worse situations. If anything, there is a learning experience which can positively impact your future judgements. Negativity is a harsh. It is almost impossible to remain in a positive mindset when there is so much negativity around you. I challenge you to do a little spring cleaning and clean out all the negativity in your life. Life is a gift that should not be taken for granted. Smile, be kind and love one another. You would be amazed at what just a simple smile can do for someone who is having a hard day.

I asked Adam the other day why he doesn't have a facebook application on his phone anymore. It was simple; he responded, "I just can't stand the amount of negativity on it anymore. It is getting out of control." I couldn't agree wit him more. I have wrote numerous times about facebook on this blog and how I have such a love/hate relationship with it. For the past year or so, I haven't been accepting many friend requests. Why? Well mainly because I put personal information on there like pictures of Jayden and what my family and I are doing. But after today, I am making a stand against negativity. I will be deleting any person from my friends list that is "too negative" for me. I know, it sounds silly but just imagine what your day would be like if every time you looked at facebook, twitter, email, etc., and it was nothing but kind words and positive vibes. It was be awesome!

Just remember, the glass is always half full and the door to Jesus is always open. He is waiting for you to come in!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Since The Last Time

It's been a while since my last post. For those of you who know me, know why. For those of you who don't, I can honestly say I don't think I am ready to blog about it just yet. I don't know if I ever will but if the day comes and I am ready to write then I will.

For now, I will continue my journey of blogging about my Life Out of Bounds.