Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Phrase "F.M.L"

Every time I log-in to facebook I see the status "FML" from at least 2 people. For those of you who do not know what it means, FML is a phrase that somehow gained popularity within the last year or so that stands for F*ck My Life.

I honestly cringe every time I read "John Doe says FML I have to work a double; or, FML my son won't sleep." Well at least you have one job or a child because I guarantee you there are millions of people that would do anything for stable job or a child of their own. Turn on the news, go visit a nursing home or a local hospital, think about the people who are fighting for our rights overseas. Your life won't seem so bad after all.

When I decide to write this post I couldn't stop thinking about the movie Dodgeball. Lance Armstrong makes an appearance at the end of the movie that sets the tone for the final match. He says,

"Quit? You know, once I was thinking about quitting when I was diagnosed with brain, lung and testicular cancer, all at the same time. But with the love and support of my friends and family, I got back on the bike and I won the Tour de France five times in a row. But I'm sure you have a good reason to quit. So what are you dying from that's keeping you from the finals?"

Next time you have the urge to write FML, turn to a family member, a true friend or open The Bible.


Jon said...

Good job... That really grinds my gears when I see that as well... We all have times in our life where things don't go as planned. The next time that happens to you I ask that instead of saying fml, you think of and be thankful for that of which you do have. It could always be worse, don't get too high on the highs or too low on the lows

Jon said...

So yes what I forgot to say was, f fml'. How about Tfml (thankful for my life)

Maria said...

Thank you! I seriously dislike that phrase, and quite honestly, there is no reason to say that anyway. If you love Jesus, you always have a reason to love your life!

Unknown said...

I have NEVER in my life seen FML...maybe you need to adjust the people you are friends with on Facebook - HAHAHAHA.

Kearstin said...

Well said Jon!

And Amen Maria. I think I am going to use that line next time I see a FML status.

And Leigh I can't believe you've never seen that. It's everywhere! I have "de-friended" every person that has used that phrase. That's why I have about 50 facebook "friends" now!

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