Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The 1st Annual JEHH Memorial Golf Tournament

Sunday marked the 1st Annual JEHH Memorial Golf Tournament and to say it was a success is an understatement. It was by far the most amazing non-profit event I have ever witnessed. I cried, laughed and shared tears of joy throughout the entire day. The amount of people that came out to golf, volunteer, to watch or just come to dinner was overwhelming. There was so much love and support in the air it brought some much joy to my heart. To see the amount of people that connected with Jill and wanted to do something in her name was just incredible.

Most people plan golf tournaments a year in advance and to see Adam, his Mom, brother and all the other people involved pull it off in 7 weeks is unreal. Can you imagine how amazing next years tournament is going to be with a year of planning?

There were two photographers on sight throughout the day and I can't wait to show you pictures!


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