Saturday, April 10, 2010

Living Overseas: The Mommy Edition


Family is so important to us and although we may be away from our family for 9 months out of the year we do whatever we can to stay connected. Jayden loves all of his grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc., so much. He loves having special sleepovers with his grandparents and playing outside with his cousins. During the season, obviously that is possible unless we have visitors!

Adam and I both make it a point for Jayden to skype with family members everyday. I tend to talk to my Mom the most so Jayden and Oma have plenty of time together via the computer. She even shoots hoops for him in his room while he watches on the computer. It is pretty funny. When I am talking to my brother Jayden always runs over so he can talk to my brothers dog, Pooka. Of course, it isn't the same as being the same room together but it still works.

Because Jayden is older, he understands that we must take "3 airplanes Momma" if we want to go back to Massachusetts. He also understands that Daddy is working and making our family money that's why we are not with our extended families. I am not going to lie, of course some times are more difficult then others. For example, when there are no other children, wives or girlfriends on the team it can get pretty lonely especially if you don't speak the language. But we make the most of it. We have been lucky enough to meet some amazing friends in every country Adam has played in that we call our European basketball family.

This year Adam has been blessed with amazing teammates and we've meet a great family outside of basketball. Every one of Adam's teammates treat Jayden so well. They are always more then willing to shoot hoops with him or just talk and hang out. Of course Jayden loves that. And to top it off, they've even offered numerous times to just watch him so Adam and I can go grab a bit to eat. So although we miss our family in the states and it can be difficult at times, we wouldn't trade this life for anything. We see every opportunity as a blessing that God has put in our lives for a reason. Whether it be to make us stronger or to grow closer together as our own little family, every opportunity shines its own light on how God continues to work in our lives.


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