Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The New Workout

Those who really know me know that I am not into working out that much. Why? I think it's because when I used to workout I couldn't keep weight on. So this time around I am going for a new approach. I have started the p90x workouts. I am currently on day 3 and my entire body hurts. To be honest, I feel like the workouts are a little too intense for what I am looking for but I do modify the exercises and stop when I feel like it is too much. I am not looking to lose weight, but tone my body instead.
My biggest complaint so far; the instructor is so annoying. Is there anything worse than a cheesy workout instructor?


Maria said...

Hmmm...worse than a cheesy workout instructor. Well, the instructor could probably be the sweating to the oldies guy. LOL! Personally, I think worse are instructors that are lazy and downers.

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