Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Whip 'Em Out

Please excuse the awful photo. Nursing Jayden at 3 weeks old with my Hooter Hide in Zagreb, Croatia.

Nice title, ay? So as more of my friends are getting pregnant and having babies I have really become an advocate to nursing. Was I one to whip it out anytime at any place? No, but that has to do with my comfort level. I would however, where my Hooter Hider and nurse anywhere I was.

It all started for me when I was told, "My doctor said giving my child formula is better then nursing." First, who the heck is your doctor and second, are you for real? I then wanted my friend Maria to step in and bring down the house with facts! It really irritates me when people with infants do the following: don't even try to nurse and then go ahead and complain that formula is so expensive. Here is the good news, nursing is free!

Ok I am done complaining for now but please watch his comical but true video!


Maria said...

Only the most recent medical school graduates have been required to learn anything on human lactation. The very last person I would ask is a doctor. The second to the last? A nurse. They also have very minimal lactation education unless they pursue it on their own as a part of their CE requirements.

There is absolutely NOTHING about formula that puts it on the same level as nursing. Is it sometimes necessary? Yes, but the percentage of women PHYSICALLY incapable of breastfeeding is less than 5%.

Beat the booby traps by learning them at Best for Babes. http://www.bestforbabes.org/breastfeeding-booby-traps/

(Yes, You have hit my hot button! formula better than nursing? GRRR!!!)

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