I was never a huge music person. Yes, I love music. I love to dance and I love to sing as if I am Alicia Keys (which is so far from reality). However, it is safe to say that ever since I gave my life to Jesus and started listening to absolutely amazing, good for the soul praise and worship music I am completely in love with music. There are certain songs that can seriously get into my soul and change my entire perspective of the day. And most of these songs I am speaking of come from Hillsong United. Ok I am be a bit bias but they are the most amazing band I've ever heard. With that being said, I encourage you to go to iTunes and download their latest album Aftermath and check out some of their tour dates.
If any of my followers would like to add their favorite christian bands or music please do! I'll add them to this post!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Twitter: Love or Hate? Continued...
A few days ago I wrote about my feelings toward twitter. I also concluded with tweets from "Cameron Newton." For starters, I will say that I was led to believe that @CarmeronNewton was the real Cam Newton from a fellow twitter friend. Was the account verified? No. Which means I should've known better but I didn't. I was so caught off guard with the awful tweets I couldn't concentrate on anything else.
Later that day I was telling Adam about what I was reading and he said there was no way it could've been him. Continuing on about how well manned he had always conducted himself in interviews, how he talked about his faith, etc. I felt at that point that I probably had made a fool of myself since my information was not correct. I felt the need to go home and change my post immediately. However, then I received a very nice and informative email from a fellow reader. He simply explained that twitter is very slow at "deleting" account from people who are imposing as someone else and regardless if it was Cam Newton or not, he also believed the tweets were still disrespectful and tasteless.
It is a big world wide web out there and my apologizes go out to anyone who has an impostor. I was led to believe that someone who is in the spot light for his talents was a young man with no class or respect. I will admit that I was quick to made a judgement and for that I prayed to God to forgive me.
Later that day I was telling Adam about what I was reading and he said there was no way it could've been him. Continuing on about how well manned he had always conducted himself in interviews, how he talked about his faith, etc. I felt at that point that I probably had made a fool of myself since my information was not correct. I felt the need to go home and change my post immediately. However, then I received a very nice and informative email from a fellow reader. He simply explained that twitter is very slow at "deleting" account from people who are imposing as someone else and regardless if it was Cam Newton or not, he also believed the tweets were still disrespectful and tasteless.
It is a big world wide web out there and my apologizes go out to anyone who has an impostor. I was led to believe that someone who is in the spot light for his talents was a young man with no class or respect. I will admit that I was quick to made a judgement and for that I prayed to God to forgive me.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Twitter: Love or Hate?
I have talked about my love/hate relationship with facebook before and after reading some disturbing tweets I figured I would elaborate on my relationship with twitter.
I truly enjoy twitter for a number of reasons. Here are some of them:
1) You can follow who you want.
2) You are only allowed 160 characters per message; this cracks down on the 7 paragraphs of complaining about laundry, work and the kids people do on facebook.
3) No one can tag you in an unflattering photo.
4) There isn't much personal information one can provide with twitter.
5) When you follow the right people, a tweet can really inspire you and get you thinking.
6) And lastly, you don't have to read about what people are doing 24 hours of the day.
I only follow 62 people. Of those 62 people, at least 50 of them are church friends or pastors, some family and a couple celebrities. Why do I follow @swish41? Who knows, but since Kris Humphries has about the same number of followers as he does I figured I'd keep showing him some love!
Now on to the "hate" part of this post. An old teammate of Adam's tweeted about how disturbing some of Cam Newton's tweets were. So I decided to check out @CameronNewton and see what he was talking about. Sure enough, I was completely blown away by how degrading, rude, conceited, etc., his tweets are. I just lost so much respect for him (not that it really matters) but when someone is in the spotlight and has a younger generation looking up to them, there is no reason to write such awful things. Adam's teammate then tweeted, "Talent is God give. Be humble. Fam is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-give. Be careful @CameronNewton" ....And I think the last line sums it up.
So on that note, follow me on twitter @kharrington8 and some of my lovely friends, @aharrington21, @erinlcrispin, @mariawj, @lauralentz, @carllentzNYC, @joelhouston, @ChristineCaine, @Mai2Flyy, @crispin3!
I truly enjoy twitter for a number of reasons. Here are some of them:
1) You can follow who you want.
2) You are only allowed 160 characters per message; this cracks down on the 7 paragraphs of complaining about laundry, work and the kids people do on facebook.
3) No one can tag you in an unflattering photo.
4) There isn't much personal information one can provide with twitter.
5) When you follow the right people, a tweet can really inspire you and get you thinking.
6) And lastly, you don't have to read about what people are doing 24 hours of the day.
I only follow 62 people. Of those 62 people, at least 50 of them are church friends or pastors, some family and a couple celebrities. Why do I follow @swish41? Who knows, but since Kris Humphries has about the same number of followers as he does I figured I'd keep showing him some love!
Now on to the "hate" part of this post. An old teammate of Adam's tweeted about how disturbing some of Cam Newton's tweets were. So I decided to check out @CameronNewton and see what he was talking about. Sure enough, I was completely blown away by how degrading, rude, conceited, etc., his tweets are. I just lost so much respect for him (not that it really matters) but when someone is in the spotlight and has a younger generation looking up to them, there is no reason to write such awful things. Adam's teammate then tweeted, "Talent is God give. Be humble. Fam is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-give. Be careful @CameronNewton" ....And I think the last line sums it up.
So on that note, follow me on twitter @kharrington8 and some of my lovely friends, @aharrington21, @erinlcrispin, @mariawj, @lauralentz, @carllentzNYC, @joelhouston, @ChristineCaine, @Mai2Flyy, @crispin3!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
My Favorite Items: Magnatiles
Jayden was blessed with Magnatiles for his birthday. He received so many gifts for his birthday that I put some away so he didn't open them all in one day. I set these aside for a day that I needed a nice calming/relaxing activity for him to do. And today was the day! As soon as I opened up the box he was ready to dig in. He absolutely loved them. He literally played with them for 35 straight minutes (for Jayden, that's a big deal)! He even followed the direction to make certain figures; a house, rocket ship and soccer ball. A big thanks to Miss. Kate and Mr. Daly!
Friday, February 18, 2011
My lovely friend Leigh over at A Boy, His Girls And A Big Dog posted about manners yesterday. As her oldest daughter is working on manners at school it was fitting when she read a list of "25 Manners Every Kid Needs by Age 9." She then added her own little comments on how her girls are doing with their manners (and I thought I'd do the same)! The list goes a little something like this:
1) When asking for something, say "Please!" (Good at this one... especially when asking for something from someone besides myself).
2) When receiving something, say "Thank You!" (Check... 90% of the time).
3) Do not interrupt grown-ups who are speaking with each other unless there is an emergency. They will notice you and respond when they are finished talking. (Extremely bad at this one.... I truly think it is because Jayden usually has 100% of my attention so when I am talking to someone else he still expects the same attention. Excuse?).
4) If you do need to get somebody's attention right away, the phrase "excuse me" is the most polite way for you to enter the conversation. (Jayden thinks "excuse me" gives him the go ahead to speak. He always says excuse me when trying to enter a conversation but doesn't always wait until his turn to talk).
5) When you have any doubt about doing something, ask permission first. It can save you from many hours of grief later. (Good at this one; Jayden gets shy and bashful when faced with a doubtful situation. Hopefully this doesn't change with age - ha).
6) The world is not interested in what you dislike. Keep negative opinions to yourself, or between you and your friends, and out of earshot of adults. (We try to keep things positive in our house but there are times Jayden has a strong opinion about something that he doesn't like and he will let it known).
7) Do not comment on other people's physical characteristics unless, of course, its to compliment them, which is always welcome. (Jayden is great at giving compliments; today he told me my hair "is looking great Mom").
8) When people ask you how you are, tell them, and then ask them how they are. (Not here yet; Jayden will tell people how he is, then just smiles).
9) When you have spent time at your friend's house, remember to thank his or her parents for having you over and for the good time you had. (Sometimes we have to remind him but we make him thank anyone for having him/us over; grandparents, aunts, friends, etc.).
10) Knock on closed doors, and wait to see if there's a response before you enter. (Funny one. I don't remember the last time I could shut the bathroom door without an intruder. If I lock a door and then tell Jayden I need privacy, he does wait until I open the door).
11) When you make a phone call, introduce yourself first and then ask if you can speak with the person you are calling. (Jayden always asks who is calling him but that's about it).
12) Be appreciative and say "thank you" for any gift you receive. In the age of e-mail, a handwritten thank you note can have a powerful effect. (With Christmas and his birthday recently, he has really learned to say "thank-you" for anything he recieves. I also made him write out thank-you notes for his birthday gifts).
13) Never use foul language in front of adults. Grown-ups already know all those words, and they find them boring and unpleasant. (There are some smaller words in our home that are not allowed; stupid, hate, etc. The other day Jayden said "sh*t" totally out of context but still said it and I was mortified. As soon as he said it, he knew something was wrong. He immediately apologized for using a bad word. I asked him where he heard that word and he said at school. I made it clear that that word is totally inappropriate and unacceptable. Hopefully that doesn't come up again anytime soon).
14) Don't call people mean names. (Bad names for Jadyen are "chicken butt" and "doppy." Not kind names but I guess it could be worse).
15) Do not make fun of anyone for any reason. Teasing shows others you are weak and ganging up on someone else is cruel. (Not sure Jayden even know what "making fun" of people means. However, he does know how to tease especially when playing sports).
16) Even if a play or an assembly is boring, sit through it quietly and pretend that you are interested. The performers and presenters are doing their best. (After sitting through basketball games since 3 weeks old, Jayden's pretty darn good at this one).
17) If you bump into somebody, immediately say "Excuse Me." (I'd say 50% on this one; sometimes he says excuse me before the adult does, other time he keeps walking and minding his own business).
18) Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and don't pick your nose in public. (Sneezing no, coughing yes and we are doing very good at using a tissue to handle the nose situation).
19) As you walk through a door, look to see if you can hold it open for someone else. (Great at this one; must have picked up that habit from being the door holder at school).
20) If you come across a parent, a teacher, or a neighbor working on something, ask if you can help. If they say "yes", do so-you may learn something new. (Jayden helps when he is interested in helping; unloading the groceries, preparing food).
21) When an adult asks you for a favor, do it without grumbling and with a smile. (Jayden is great at this when a someone who isn't too close to us asks him; but I have to laugh because this may take a few years to perfect)!
22) When someone helps you, say "thank you" That person will likely want to help you again. This is especially true with teachers! (Jayden is good at this one; however, we've been teaching him to accept help when someone offers it. Help from others is good)!
23) Use eating utensils properly. If you are unsure how to do so, ask your parents to teach you or watch what adults do. (Jayden doesn't have the best overall table manners but he is great at this one. Why? I never, ever let Jayden feed himself when he was younger. I couldn't stand the mess so he is a super clean eater and can't stand being dirty)!
24) Keep a napkin on your lap; use it to wipe your mouth when necessary. (A napkin by his plate is the way we go for now. As long as he wipes his hands on his napkin and no where else then that's ok by me)!
25) Don't reach for things at the table; ask to have them passed (We don't have a huge table so there isn't much reaching)!
I can't wait to repeat this post once a year until Jayden is 9. I wonder what will change and what will stay the same or get worse. Manners are very important on our home and I pray that God will guide Jayden on the path of good manners!
1) When asking for something, say "Please!" (Good at this one... especially when asking for something from someone besides myself).
2) When receiving something, say "Thank You!" (Check... 90% of the time).
3) Do not interrupt grown-ups who are speaking with each other unless there is an emergency. They will notice you and respond when they are finished talking. (Extremely bad at this one.... I truly think it is because Jayden usually has 100% of my attention so when I am talking to someone else he still expects the same attention. Excuse?).
4) If you do need to get somebody's attention right away, the phrase "excuse me" is the most polite way for you to enter the conversation. (Jayden thinks "excuse me" gives him the go ahead to speak. He always says excuse me when trying to enter a conversation but doesn't always wait until his turn to talk).
5) When you have any doubt about doing something, ask permission first. It can save you from many hours of grief later. (Good at this one; Jayden gets shy and bashful when faced with a doubtful situation. Hopefully this doesn't change with age - ha).
6) The world is not interested in what you dislike. Keep negative opinions to yourself, or between you and your friends, and out of earshot of adults. (We try to keep things positive in our house but there are times Jayden has a strong opinion about something that he doesn't like and he will let it known).
7) Do not comment on other people's physical characteristics unless, of course, its to compliment them, which is always welcome. (Jayden is great at giving compliments; today he told me my hair "is looking great Mom").
8) When people ask you how you are, tell them, and then ask them how they are. (Not here yet; Jayden will tell people how he is, then just smiles).
9) When you have spent time at your friend's house, remember to thank his or her parents for having you over and for the good time you had. (Sometimes we have to remind him but we make him thank anyone for having him/us over; grandparents, aunts, friends, etc.).
10) Knock on closed doors, and wait to see if there's a response before you enter. (Funny one. I don't remember the last time I could shut the bathroom door without an intruder. If I lock a door and then tell Jayden I need privacy, he does wait until I open the door).
11) When you make a phone call, introduce yourself first and then ask if you can speak with the person you are calling. (Jayden always asks who is calling him but that's about it).
12) Be appreciative and say "thank you" for any gift you receive. In the age of e-mail, a handwritten thank you note can have a powerful effect. (With Christmas and his birthday recently, he has really learned to say "thank-you" for anything he recieves. I also made him write out thank-you notes for his birthday gifts).
13) Never use foul language in front of adults. Grown-ups already know all those words, and they find them boring and unpleasant. (There are some smaller words in our home that are not allowed; stupid, hate, etc. The other day Jayden said "sh*t" totally out of context but still said it and I was mortified. As soon as he said it, he knew something was wrong. He immediately apologized for using a bad word. I asked him where he heard that word and he said at school. I made it clear that that word is totally inappropriate and unacceptable. Hopefully that doesn't come up again anytime soon).
14) Don't call people mean names. (Bad names for Jadyen are "chicken butt" and "doppy." Not kind names but I guess it could be worse).
15) Do not make fun of anyone for any reason. Teasing shows others you are weak and ganging up on someone else is cruel. (Not sure Jayden even know what "making fun" of people means. However, he does know how to tease especially when playing sports).
16) Even if a play or an assembly is boring, sit through it quietly and pretend that you are interested. The performers and presenters are doing their best. (After sitting through basketball games since 3 weeks old, Jayden's pretty darn good at this one).
17) If you bump into somebody, immediately say "Excuse Me." (I'd say 50% on this one; sometimes he says excuse me before the adult does, other time he keeps walking and minding his own business).
18) Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and don't pick your nose in public. (Sneezing no, coughing yes and we are doing very good at using a tissue to handle the nose situation).
19) As you walk through a door, look to see if you can hold it open for someone else. (Great at this one; must have picked up that habit from being the door holder at school).
20) If you come across a parent, a teacher, or a neighbor working on something, ask if you can help. If they say "yes", do so-you may learn something new. (Jayden helps when he is interested in helping; unloading the groceries, preparing food).
21) When an adult asks you for a favor, do it without grumbling and with a smile. (Jayden is great at this when a someone who isn't too close to us asks him; but I have to laugh because this may take a few years to perfect)!
22) When someone helps you, say "thank you" That person will likely want to help you again. This is especially true with teachers! (Jayden is good at this one; however, we've been teaching him to accept help when someone offers it. Help from others is good)!
23) Use eating utensils properly. If you are unsure how to do so, ask your parents to teach you or watch what adults do. (Jayden doesn't have the best overall table manners but he is great at this one. Why? I never, ever let Jayden feed himself when he was younger. I couldn't stand the mess so he is a super clean eater and can't stand being dirty)!
24) Keep a napkin on your lap; use it to wipe your mouth when necessary. (A napkin by his plate is the way we go for now. As long as he wipes his hands on his napkin and no where else then that's ok by me)!
25) Don't reach for things at the table; ask to have them passed (We don't have a huge table so there isn't much reaching)!
I can't wait to repeat this post once a year until Jayden is 9. I wonder what will change and what will stay the same or get worse. Manners are very important on our home and I pray that God will guide Jayden on the path of good manners!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
My son loves Crocs in the summer! If we are at the beach, swimming or doing anything non-physical, I allow him to wear Crocs instead of sneakers. Well yesterday I bought him some Crocs for the summer since the deal was too good to pass up.
If you go to the outlet section of the Crocs website you can see that they have Kids' Athens and Gabe Crocs on sale for $9.99 each. If you use the coupon codes ALLYOU20 and FALLSHIP, you get 20% off and Free Shipping!
If you go to the outlet section of the Crocs website you can see that they have Kids' Athens and Gabe Crocs on sale for $9.99 each. If you use the coupon codes ALLYOU20 and FALLSHIP, you get 20% off and Free Shipping!
$7.99 for a pair of Crocs, I'll take it!
Soul Surfer
I came across this interesting article on FoxNews today and thought I would share it with you. The caption read, "Bible Edited Out of Film 'Soul Surfer' to Appeal to Non-Christians, Added Back In." According to the article, the words "Holy Bible" were cut from the film. The parents of Bethany Hamilton were upset that the words were removed from the cover of the Bible that he was reading to his daughter by her hospital bed.
The article is brief, but it makes me wonder, would someone really stop watching the movie if the word "Holy Bible" was shown on the cover of a Bible?
The article is brief, but it makes me wonder, would someone really stop watching the movie if the word "Holy Bible" was shown on the cover of a Bible?
200th Blog Post
At my 100th blog post I wrote 100 random things about myself (11 posts late). Of course, I've missed my 200th blog post (that was 26 posts ago) but this time I am going to answer 200 random questions I found online. Enjoy!
1. Who is your oldest friend? How long have you known them? I've known Jay and Sara since birth. Both are still my best friends
2. Would you date someone you met online? Probably not
3. What's your favorite song? I am currently in love with the new Aftermath album by Hillsong United
4. Do you get along with your parents? Very well
5. What are you wearing right now? A Sweatsuit
6. Yahoo or Google? Google
7. Do you have any tattoos? I do not
8. Have you ever cut yourself? No
9. Have you ever been on the radio? I have not
10. What does the world need less of? Fighting and Hate
11. Cappuccino or coffee? Tea
12. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
13. Do you study the Bible? I do, daily
14. Where did you go to school? Graduated from the University of Massachusetts
15. How much do you weigh? I have honestly weighted the same since I was about 17 (minus when I was pregnant with Jayden)
16. Are you registered to vote? I am not
17. Do you like yourself? I do, I have learned to love myself (thank you Jesus)!
18. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Probably when I was a child
19. Last time you were really really mad? When Adam cut Jayden's hair (silly, I know)!
20. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping
21. Do you like animals? I am actually not an animal lover. I think they're cute, but just not for me.
22. Kleenex or Puffs? Which ever
23. Dominos or Pizza Hut? Dominos
24. Do you get enough exercise? Probably not as much as I should
25. What is your favorite female name? Louise
26. Do you drink alcohol? I have an occasional glass of champagne every now and then
27. Do you enjoy going to bars? I'd rather be at a nice restaurant enjoying conversations amongst friends
28. Have you ever been on a motorcycle? Does a scooter count? If so, then yes!
29. Right handed? Left handed? Both? Right
30. Do you think you're attractive? I have my days! :)
31. When do you get up? Around 7:30 AM
32. What's your favorite movie? Sweet Home Alabama
33. One rumor that's been spread about you: I actually have no idea
34. Have you ever been dumped? In elementary school
35. Have you ever been hit on by the same sex? Not that I can recall
36. Do you like taking surveys? Not really, just something fun for my 200th posts
37. Orange juice or apple juice? Orange
38. What's your favorite band? Hillsong United
39. TV or movie? Movie
40. Do you consider yourself religious? Yes, I am in a relationship with Jesus!
41. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? I don't think so
42. What kind of music do you hate? The kind that is angry
43. Have you ever done yoga? Yes
44. What's your favorite store? Target
45. Say something annoying. When my son repeats my name 100 times while I am on the phone; that tends to get annoying. However, when I tell him that it is rude to interrupt he will proceed to tell me he said "excuse me" first
46. Who did you last talk to? Adam, my hot hubby
47. What is your hair color? Dark brown
48. Where do you live? In a condo
49. Do you like walks in the park? Love them
50. Mints or chewing gum? Chewing gum
51. Have you ever dated a friend? Yes, Adam is my best friend
52. Do you believe you are spontaneous? I do
53. Do you get annoyed easily? Not at all
54. Have you ever been late to work because of facebook? I have not
55. Do you still use film for cameras? No
56. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? Either
57. Have you ever smoked? No
58. Have you ever prayed? Yes, numerous times a day
59. Would you be president if you could? No thank you
60. Land or water? Land
61. Have you ever searched for your own name on Google? I have not
62. Have you ever been toilet papering? No
63. Watching or playing sports? Both!
64. Is there happiness in your life? There is! Heaps of it!
65. What is your favorite name? Louise, Kallen, Mason, Alexis, Mae, Ava ...the list could go on!
66. Hot or cold? I'd rather be hot
67. What is your favorite number? 8 and 21
68. Would you go rock climbing? Yes
69. Would you try to take over the world? No, the world is His!
70. Why do you admire people? Because the gift of life is given by the Lord and for that it is something to admire!
71. What is the last thing you said to someone? "I am chilly!"
72. Would you go skydiving? I can't say that I would
73. Have you ever peed your pants after age 8? No
74. Do you hate yourself? No!
75. Do you smile a lot? I do!
76. Have you ever been abducted by aliens? ....I have not.
77. Would you chug beer? I actually don't like the taste of beer, at all.
78. What's your favorite drink? Water followed closely by ice-tea
79. Have you ever broken a bone? I have
80. Favorite age you have been so far? I loved them all. Every age has its lessons!
81. Cars or boats? I am not into either.
82. Would you marry your friend? I did!
83. Favorite day of the week? Sunday & Monday
84. Have you ever beat someone up? No! I am a lover. I actually despise fighting.
85. Would you have plastic surgery? Not unless it was necessary
86. Have you ever seen Nine Inch Nails in concert? I have not
87. Have you ever kissed someone in the rain? I am sure Adam and I have
88. Who have you met online? I've actually met two of the most amazing woman I know online!
89. Do you read much? I do read but not as much as I would like
90. Are you afraid of the dark? I am actually totally afraid of the dark believe it or not
91. Have you ever been to a concert? Yes
92. Would you eat sushi? No
93. Do you like the band Nine Inch Nails? I have no idea who they are
94. Do you have any collections? I collect Adam's basketball gear
95. Are you color blind? I am not
96. How much cash do you have right now? Probably $40 in my wallet. I am not one to carry cash.
97. Who is your newest friend? Not too sure.
98. Do you smoke? No, the smell of smoke actually makes my stomach turn.
99. What is something you wish you were better at? Cooking
100. Last phone call? My mom
101. What was the last compliment you received? Adam told me I was cute, even though I had blood all over my face. Now that's love... ;)
102. Name one person you love, and why: Jayden, because he always puts a smile on my face!
103. Would you lie to your best friend? No, never
104. Tofu or bacon? Turkey bacon?
105. Who do you talk to most on IM? No one
106. Are you a health freak? Not really
107. Explain what you think about life. It's amazing! I thank God for the gift of life everyday!
108. Have you ever been arrested? No
109. What was the last insult you GAVE? I probably said someone was a bad driver under my breath
110. Favorite comic strip? Not really into comics
111. Why do you like the music you do? It's inspiring and good for my soul!
112. What do you think of reality TV? I am not a huge fan; however, I do like The Biggest Loser. I love seeing people get their lives back!
113. What do you call those little plastic things on the ends of shoelaces? No idea
114. Do you sleep naked? Nope
115. Hug or kiss? Either or!
116. Would you kiss a stranger? In Europe, I've probably kissed at least 200 people I didn't know (on the cheeks that is)!
117. Would you set yourself on fire? No
118. Do you like dogs? Not really...
119. Do you love someone? I do!
120. Your crush's first name: I started to have a crush on Adam when I was 12 years old
121. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? My face isn't that swollen; must've been the ice!
122. Yoga or pilates? Pilates
123. Have you ever danced in public? Yes, I love to dance!
124. Ocean or pool? I love them both!
125. What is your favorite sport to watch? Basketball
126. What is your biggest fear? Horses and dying in a car (again, silly, I know)!
127. When do you go to bed? Around 10 PM
128. Who do you talk to most on the phone? My mom and sister
129. Do you find people interesting? I do!
130. Logic or art? Both
131. What does the world need more of? Love!
132. Do you brush and floss? Yes
133. Do you like to learn? I love learning
134. Would you run from the police? No
135. Have you ever been camping? Yes, when I was younger. Not my favorite thing to do.
136. Lace or satin? Satin
137. Have you ever written a song? I have not
138. Have you ever missed a meal because you were busy on facebook? No, never
139. Emily Dickinson or Walt Whitman? Emily Dickinson
140. McDonalds or Burger King? Neither in the states, but in Europe, McDonalds
141. Do you like dancing? I love it!
142. Coke or Pepsi? Neither, I actually don't like any soda besides ginerale
143. Favorite country? Besides America, France or Croatia
144. Shorts or pants? Either
145. Have you been on drugs? No
146. Do you want to have kids? I would love to have more kids!
147. Do you want to get married? I am, it's amazing!
148. Are you a vegetarian? No but I don't eat any red meat/beef
149. Do you know how to drive a car? I do
150. Happy or depressing music? Happy!
151. What is your eye color? Brown
152. Would you drop out of school or quit your job? Never
153. Do you believe that animals have souls? Sure
154. Do you hate someone? No one, hate is a very strong word
155. Do you ever use your full name? On account information, yes
156. Have you ever shoplifted? No
157. Have you ever been in a movie? No
158. Do you have a bad life? I do not!
159. Favorite city? Paris, New York or Zagreb
160. Would you give money to a hobo? I would
161. What is the perfect day for you? Family, friends and Jesus
162. Are you a neat freak? Big time
163. Have you ever fallen in love with a neighbor? No
164. Are you ghetto? No
165. If you had to get married now, who would you want to marry? Adam :)
166. Group or single dates? Either or, it's nice to have some alone time with Adam though
167. Last time you used the bathroom? A little while ago
168. Have you ever considered suicide? Never
169. Do you know how to drive stick? I do not, how embarrassing
170. Have you ever asked someone out? Maybe in Elementary school
171. Would you date someone younger than you? Probably not
172. Have you ever been to a different country? I have, many of them!
173. What is your favorite flavor in general? Orange or grape
174. When you wake up, what is the first thing you think? Where is my Bible
175. Do you get motion sickness? Not usually
176. How tall are you? 5'7''
177. Do you like the band Radiohead? Never heard them
178. Explain what you think about dating. I am so thankful I will never have to "date" again
179. Favorite type of shoe? Nike Lunar Glides 2 (absolutely amazing sneaker)!
180. Have you ever gone streaking? No
181. Do you believe in yourself? I do!!
182. Do you own a camera phone? Yes
183. Do you want to go to college? I already finished. Maybe I'll go for my Masters someday.
184. Who do you want to meet? Erin and Maria, they're superstars in my life!
185. Have you ever sworn? Yes, very rarely though
186. Have you ever gone to a private school? No
187. Have you ever kissed someone? Yes
188. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes
189. Have you ever performed on stage? Yes, I danced for 14 years!
190. How do you vent anger? Talk, pray and workout
191. Why are they called fingers if they don't fing? ??
192. Have you ever skipped school? Yes
193. Do you own a car? Yes
194. Who is your favorite celebrity? I am not really into celebrities; so I'll have to say the big German!
195. Do you hold grudges? No
196. Do you wear glasses? Sunglasses; my eyes are so sensitive to sun
197. What's your family like? Amazing! I love my family!
198. Have you ever been on a road trip? Yes
199. What does your name mean? According to one website it is a Latin name meaning, "Christ's follower."
200. Last time you saw your dad? New Years Ever
Wow, that's a lot of pointless questions. I really should've read all the questions before I started. I hope I didn't bore you as much as I just did myself!
1. Who is your oldest friend? How long have you known them? I've known Jay and Sara since birth. Both are still my best friends
2. Would you date someone you met online? Probably not
3. What's your favorite song? I am currently in love with the new Aftermath album by Hillsong United
4. Do you get along with your parents? Very well
5. What are you wearing right now? A Sweatsuit
6. Yahoo or Google? Google
7. Do you have any tattoos? I do not
8. Have you ever cut yourself? No
9. Have you ever been on the radio? I have not
10. What does the world need less of? Fighting and Hate
11. Cappuccino or coffee? Tea
12. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
13. Do you study the Bible? I do, daily
14. Where did you go to school? Graduated from the University of Massachusetts
15. How much do you weigh? I have honestly weighted the same since I was about 17 (minus when I was pregnant with Jayden)
16. Are you registered to vote? I am not
17. Do you like yourself? I do, I have learned to love myself (thank you Jesus)!
18. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Probably when I was a child
19. Last time you were really really mad? When Adam cut Jayden's hair (silly, I know)!
20. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping
21. Do you like animals? I am actually not an animal lover. I think they're cute, but just not for me.
22. Kleenex or Puffs? Which ever
23. Dominos or Pizza Hut? Dominos
24. Do you get enough exercise? Probably not as much as I should
25. What is your favorite female name? Louise
26. Do you drink alcohol? I have an occasional glass of champagne every now and then
27. Do you enjoy going to bars? I'd rather be at a nice restaurant enjoying conversations amongst friends
28. Have you ever been on a motorcycle? Does a scooter count? If so, then yes!
29. Right handed? Left handed? Both? Right
30. Do you think you're attractive? I have my days! :)
31. When do you get up? Around 7:30 AM
32. What's your favorite movie? Sweet Home Alabama
33. One rumor that's been spread about you: I actually have no idea
34. Have you ever been dumped? In elementary school
35. Have you ever been hit on by the same sex? Not that I can recall
36. Do you like taking surveys? Not really, just something fun for my 200th posts
37. Orange juice or apple juice? Orange
38. What's your favorite band? Hillsong United
39. TV or movie? Movie
40. Do you consider yourself religious? Yes, I am in a relationship with Jesus!
41. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? I don't think so
42. What kind of music do you hate? The kind that is angry
43. Have you ever done yoga? Yes
44. What's your favorite store? Target
45. Say something annoying. When my son repeats my name 100 times while I am on the phone; that tends to get annoying. However, when I tell him that it is rude to interrupt he will proceed to tell me he said "excuse me" first
46. Who did you last talk to? Adam, my hot hubby
47. What is your hair color? Dark brown
48. Where do you live? In a condo
49. Do you like walks in the park? Love them
50. Mints or chewing gum? Chewing gum
51. Have you ever dated a friend? Yes, Adam is my best friend
52. Do you believe you are spontaneous? I do
53. Do you get annoyed easily? Not at all
54. Have you ever been late to work because of facebook? I have not
55. Do you still use film for cameras? No
56. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? Either
57. Have you ever smoked? No
58. Have you ever prayed? Yes, numerous times a day
59. Would you be president if you could? No thank you
60. Land or water? Land
61. Have you ever searched for your own name on Google? I have not
62. Have you ever been toilet papering? No
63. Watching or playing sports? Both!
64. Is there happiness in your life? There is! Heaps of it!
65. What is your favorite name? Louise, Kallen, Mason, Alexis, Mae, Ava ...the list could go on!
66. Hot or cold? I'd rather be hot
67. What is your favorite number? 8 and 21
68. Would you go rock climbing? Yes
69. Would you try to take over the world? No, the world is His!
70. Why do you admire people? Because the gift of life is given by the Lord and for that it is something to admire!
71. What is the last thing you said to someone? "I am chilly!"
72. Would you go skydiving? I can't say that I would
73. Have you ever peed your pants after age 8? No
74. Do you hate yourself? No!
75. Do you smile a lot? I do!
76. Have you ever been abducted by aliens? ....I have not.
77. Would you chug beer? I actually don't like the taste of beer, at all.
78. What's your favorite drink? Water followed closely by ice-tea
79. Have you ever broken a bone? I have
80. Favorite age you have been so far? I loved them all. Every age has its lessons!
81. Cars or boats? I am not into either.
82. Would you marry your friend? I did!
83. Favorite day of the week? Sunday & Monday
84. Have you ever beat someone up? No! I am a lover. I actually despise fighting.
85. Would you have plastic surgery? Not unless it was necessary
86. Have you ever seen Nine Inch Nails in concert? I have not
87. Have you ever kissed someone in the rain? I am sure Adam and I have
88. Who have you met online? I've actually met two of the most amazing woman I know online!
89. Do you read much? I do read but not as much as I would like
90. Are you afraid of the dark? I am actually totally afraid of the dark believe it or not
91. Have you ever been to a concert? Yes
92. Would you eat sushi? No
93. Do you like the band Nine Inch Nails? I have no idea who they are
94. Do you have any collections? I collect Adam's basketball gear
95. Are you color blind? I am not
96. How much cash do you have right now? Probably $40 in my wallet. I am not one to carry cash.
97. Who is your newest friend? Not too sure.
98. Do you smoke? No, the smell of smoke actually makes my stomach turn.
99. What is something you wish you were better at? Cooking
100. Last phone call? My mom
101. What was the last compliment you received? Adam told me I was cute, even though I had blood all over my face. Now that's love... ;)
102. Name one person you love, and why: Jayden, because he always puts a smile on my face!
103. Would you lie to your best friend? No, never
104. Tofu or bacon? Turkey bacon?
105. Who do you talk to most on IM? No one
106. Are you a health freak? Not really
107. Explain what you think about life. It's amazing! I thank God for the gift of life everyday!
108. Have you ever been arrested? No
109. What was the last insult you GAVE? I probably said someone was a bad driver under my breath
110. Favorite comic strip? Not really into comics
111. Why do you like the music you do? It's inspiring and good for my soul!
112. What do you think of reality TV? I am not a huge fan; however, I do like The Biggest Loser. I love seeing people get their lives back!
113. What do you call those little plastic things on the ends of shoelaces? No idea
114. Do you sleep naked? Nope
115. Hug or kiss? Either or!
116. Would you kiss a stranger? In Europe, I've probably kissed at least 200 people I didn't know (on the cheeks that is)!
117. Would you set yourself on fire? No
118. Do you like dogs? Not really...
119. Do you love someone? I do!
120. Your crush's first name: I started to have a crush on Adam when I was 12 years old
121. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? My face isn't that swollen; must've been the ice!
122. Yoga or pilates? Pilates
123. Have you ever danced in public? Yes, I love to dance!
124. Ocean or pool? I love them both!
125. What is your favorite sport to watch? Basketball
126. What is your biggest fear? Horses and dying in a car (again, silly, I know)!
127. When do you go to bed? Around 10 PM
128. Who do you talk to most on the phone? My mom and sister
129. Do you find people interesting? I do!
130. Logic or art? Both
131. What does the world need more of? Love!
132. Do you brush and floss? Yes
133. Do you like to learn? I love learning
134. Would you run from the police? No
135. Have you ever been camping? Yes, when I was younger. Not my favorite thing to do.
136. Lace or satin? Satin
137. Have you ever written a song? I have not
138. Have you ever missed a meal because you were busy on facebook? No, never
139. Emily Dickinson or Walt Whitman? Emily Dickinson
140. McDonalds or Burger King? Neither in the states, but in Europe, McDonalds
141. Do you like dancing? I love it!
142. Coke or Pepsi? Neither, I actually don't like any soda besides ginerale
143. Favorite country? Besides America, France or Croatia
144. Shorts or pants? Either
145. Have you been on drugs? No
146. Do you want to have kids? I would love to have more kids!
147. Do you want to get married? I am, it's amazing!
148. Are you a vegetarian? No but I don't eat any red meat/beef
149. Do you know how to drive a car? I do
150. Happy or depressing music? Happy!
151. What is your eye color? Brown
152. Would you drop out of school or quit your job? Never
153. Do you believe that animals have souls? Sure
154. Do you hate someone? No one, hate is a very strong word
155. Do you ever use your full name? On account information, yes
156. Have you ever shoplifted? No
157. Have you ever been in a movie? No
158. Do you have a bad life? I do not!
159. Favorite city? Paris, New York or Zagreb
160. Would you give money to a hobo? I would
161. What is the perfect day for you? Family, friends and Jesus
162. Are you a neat freak? Big time
163. Have you ever fallen in love with a neighbor? No
164. Are you ghetto? No
165. If you had to get married now, who would you want to marry? Adam :)
166. Group or single dates? Either or, it's nice to have some alone time with Adam though
167. Last time you used the bathroom? A little while ago
168. Have you ever considered suicide? Never
169. Do you know how to drive stick? I do not, how embarrassing
170. Have you ever asked someone out? Maybe in Elementary school
171. Would you date someone younger than you? Probably not
172. Have you ever been to a different country? I have, many of them!
173. What is your favorite flavor in general? Orange or grape
174. When you wake up, what is the first thing you think? Where is my Bible
175. Do you get motion sickness? Not usually
176. How tall are you? 5'7''
177. Do you like the band Radiohead? Never heard them
178. Explain what you think about dating. I am so thankful I will never have to "date" again
179. Favorite type of shoe? Nike Lunar Glides 2 (absolutely amazing sneaker)!
180. Have you ever gone streaking? No
181. Do you believe in yourself? I do!!
182. Do you own a camera phone? Yes
183. Do you want to go to college? I already finished. Maybe I'll go for my Masters someday.
184. Who do you want to meet? Erin and Maria, they're superstars in my life!
185. Have you ever sworn? Yes, very rarely though
186. Have you ever gone to a private school? No
187. Have you ever kissed someone? Yes
188. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes
189. Have you ever performed on stage? Yes, I danced for 14 years!
190. How do you vent anger? Talk, pray and workout
191. Why are they called fingers if they don't fing? ??
192. Have you ever skipped school? Yes
193. Do you own a car? Yes
194. Who is your favorite celebrity? I am not really into celebrities; so I'll have to say the big German!
195. Do you hold grudges? No
196. Do you wear glasses? Sunglasses; my eyes are so sensitive to sun
197. What's your family like? Amazing! I love my family!
198. Have you ever been on a road trip? Yes
199. What does your name mean? According to one website it is a Latin name meaning, "Christ's follower."
200. Last time you saw your dad? New Years Ever
Wow, that's a lot of pointless questions. I really should've read all the questions before I started. I hope I didn't bore you as much as I just did myself!
Blog Roll: Continued
My dear friend Erin introduced me to a couple new blogs. I should start out by saying, it is hard for me to really love a blog. I certainly like reading blogs but there are not many out there that I truly love.
One that I have been liking a lot is Jon Acuff's: Stuff Christian Like. He is funny and his posts are right on cue making a connection to everyday life and the Bible.
Also, the other day she mentioned a blog called Girl Talk. Now I haven't been able to give this blog a full read, but the first story had the flood gates open. I actually remember watching the first video of Zac Smith a few months ago. Since then, he has met Jesus and his wife talks about her tears of hope.
Check it out. It is truly a touching story of how such a tragedy can bring you closer to God and help you learn that no matter what happens or how bad thing can get, "God is still God and God is still Good!"
One that I have been liking a lot is Jon Acuff's: Stuff Christian Like. He is funny and his posts are right on cue making a connection to everyday life and the Bible.
Also, the other day she mentioned a blog called Girl Talk. Now I haven't been able to give this blog a full read, but the first story had the flood gates open. I actually remember watching the first video of Zac Smith a few months ago. Since then, he has met Jesus and his wife talks about her tears of hope.
Check it out. It is truly a touching story of how such a tragedy can bring you closer to God and help you learn that no matter what happens or how bad thing can get, "God is still God and God is still Good!"
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day
Wishing everyone a very, Happy Valentine's Day today!
As you go about your day today remember Ephesians 5:21! Submit yourself to others, give up your own will and want to live for one another. Can you imagine how much love would be in the world if we did this just like Jesus did to others.
As you go about your day today remember Ephesians 5:21! Submit yourself to others, give up your own will and want to live for one another. Can you imagine how much love would be in the world if we did this just like Jesus did to others.
Valentine's Day 2010 - Kolobrzeg, Poland
My Rite Aid Trip: 2/14
So last week I told you about my deal at Rite Aid. Well it's another week so I have yet another deal (unfortunately I don't have a picture this week because I already put some/gave some away)!
Items Purchased
3 Dove Deodorants
1 Degree Deodorants
2 Colgate Toothpastes
2 Boxes of Ziploc Bags (50 ct.)
2 Bottles of Softsoap Handsoap
2 Bags of Chex Mix
1 Vasline Lotion
2 Bottles of Finish Dishwashing Detergent
1 Bengay
Total: $1.32
I have $5 Rite Aid Dollars towards my next purchase so I actually made money!
Items Purchased
3 Dove Deodorants
1 Degree Deodorants
2 Colgate Toothpastes
2 Boxes of Ziploc Bags (50 ct.)
2 Bottles of Softsoap Handsoap
2 Bags of Chex Mix
1 Vasline Lotion
2 Bottles of Finish Dishwashing Detergent
1 Bengay
Total: $1.32
I have $5 Rite Aid Dollars towards my next purchase so I actually made money!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Happy Birthday, Jayden!
Yes, I know I am 5 days late. But within those 5 days we have celebrated Jayden's birthday at 3 different parties (this is what happens when your son celebrates his first birthday in the states). I have yet to finished Jayden's 3rd year video yet so until then I will share a couple photos of his birthday fun with you!
On that note, I continue to thank God for another year of life. After celebrating Jayden's 4th birthday on Tuesday I really had to stop and reflect on how amazing God is to give us the gift of life! He has created Jayden just so perfectly that I am having a hard time trying to find the words to right this post!
On that note, I continue to thank God for another year of life. After celebrating Jayden's 4th birthday on Tuesday I really had to stop and reflect on how amazing God is to give us the gift of life! He has created Jayden just so perfectly that I am having a hard time trying to find the words to right this post!
Monday, February 7, 2011
My Rite Aid Trip: 2/7
Some of you may know about my recent (very recent) coupon obsession. I should make it known that whenever I do something I like to do it very well. I can't stand when things are done half (insert inappropriate blogging word). In other words, I couldn't ever see myself just using a couple coupons here and there. Enjoy the picture below and take a guess on what I spent on it all.
The Items I purchased
6 Old Spice Deodorants
4 Gillette Deodorants
4 Gillette Body Washes
2 Betty Crocker Cake Makes
2 Betty Crocker Frostings
2 - 25 Dixie Plates
4 Bags of Halls
4 Rolls of Bounty Paper Towels
12 Pack of Cottonelle Bath Tissue
2 Lysol Disinfectant Spray
Grand Total: $10.42 :)
6 Old Spice Deodorants
4 Gillette Deodorants
4 Gillette Body Washes
2 Betty Crocker Cake Makes
2 Betty Crocker Frostings
2 - 25 Dixie Plates
4 Bags of Halls
4 Rolls of Bounty Paper Towels
12 Pack of Cottonelle Bath Tissue
2 Lysol Disinfectant Spray
Grand Total: $10.42 :)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Verse of the Day
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change life shifting shadows. -James 1:17
One thing we must remind ourselves is that God is consistent. His faith is consistent, his grace is consistent, his love and promises are consistent. It is amazing to think that when life is ever changing there is one thing that will always be consistent; God.
One thing we must remind ourselves is that God is consistent. His faith is consistent, his grace is consistent, his love and promises are consistent. It is amazing to think that when life is ever changing there is one thing that will always be consistent; God.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Recipe: Chicken Fried Rice
Adam's appetite has been out of control. There is nothing I can feed him that satisfies his hunger. He also has been coming home very late due to his training schedule. So I needed to find something that would be good as leftovers and that's when I found this quick and easy Chicken Fried Rice receipe.
1 tbsp vegetable oil
2 eggs light beaten
1/4 cup chicken broth
2 cup of frozen stir fry vegetables, thawed
3 tbsp kikkoman Soy Sauce
3 cups Minute Rice, uncooked
1/2 lb chicken, diced and cooked
Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat
Add Minute Rice, brown slightly (about 3 minutes)
Add eggs; scramble until cooked thoroughly
Add broth, vegetables, chicken and kikkoman Soy Sauce to skillet
Bring to a boil, remove from heat and let stand for 5 minutes.
This was my first attempt at this recipe. Adam said the rice was a bit dry but other than that it was really good. I plan on adding a little more chicken broth and soy sauce the next go around.
Facebook Fad Ending?
I came across this article by John R. Quain today and had to share it with you. You all know I have a love/hate relationship with facebook but it is interesting to see how "dangerous" facebook has become. Truthfully, I wish we could go back to the start of facebook and enjoy how simple and meaningless it was.
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