Saturday, October 2, 2010

Marriage Tip #1: Date Night

Look at me writing about marriage tips when we haven't even been married for a month yet!  After 5 years with someone and 4 years living with them, you kinda get to know what works in a relationship and what doesn't.  And one thing that will always work is date night.

After having Jayden, Adam and I didn't go on date night very often.  I nursed Jayden for his first year of life so at times I felt like I wasn't able to leave his side for more than a couple hours (I didn't have enough supply to pump and I wasn't willing to supplement with formula when I could simply go home and feed him).  But since Jayden has grown and Adam and I have worked on what keeps our relationship as strong as possible, we have made a pack to establish a bi-weekly date night.  It is my favorite time of the month.  Now date night doesn't have to be anything too special like a fancy dinner and dancing; for Adam and I it usually consists of dinner and maybe a little shopping at Pottery Barn or Target (I know, we're really cool). But there are those times we like to get dolled up and hit the town!

Last night Adam and I went to see Barefoot Truth in concert.  They were amazing!  Great music, great vibe and even better lyrics.  We had such a great time!  Check them out!

So the moral to this post is to schedule a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly date night.  Keep the spark in your marriage alive.  Get away from the children and enjoy your husband or wife!


Meliabella said...

I can not agree more (on date night, nursing and no formula)! hanks for the tip on Barefoot Truth. They sound wonderful and I LOVE their Threads album cover (Yay yarn!).

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