Tuesday, October 26, 2010

One little, two little, three little stitches...

Four little, five little, six little stitches... Seven little...

Yes, it's true.  Our little man has 7 little stitches above his left eye.

It all started on Saturday night around 3:30 AM when I heard a thud and then a loud painful cry.  I went into Jayden's room to see that he had fallen out of his bed.  I comforted him and told him he was fine (I figure he was just scared) and then he continued to cry so I moved his hand which was covering his face and noticed his entire left side of his face was covered in blood.  From his hair line to dripping off his check onto his clothes.  Adam immediately jumped out of bed as I screamed his name and took Jayden into the bathroom to clean him up.  What I was hoping to see was just a little scratch that was going to stop bleeding once we put some pressure on it.  However, what we saw was a gash the length of his entire eyebrow that was thick and deep.

We hopped into the car and made our way to the emergency room.  Our very first trip to the emergency room due to injury (spent the night in the ER in France due to a stomach virus).  We arrived at the hospital at 3:45 AM and was immediately taken to a room and the nurse quickly got everything ready.  As soon as the doctor came in he knew he needed to get ready for some stitches and that's when I left the room.  Adam said Jayden did great, only cried when he saw the needle.  Believe it or not, we were home by 4:30 AM.  I hear all these horror stories about waiting in the emergency room for hours upon hours.  Thankfully that didn't happen to us!  As soon as we arrived back home, Jayden went right to bed and asked if next time he goes to the hospital if I could call the ambulance to pick him up instead of Daddy driving him.  I then told him I hope to never go back there again!


A Boy, His Girls & A Big Dog said...

The poor thing. But what an amazing experience at the ER...that is impressive.

Maria said...

He was bleeding. That makes you a higher priority! I'm totally impressed with your ER too...my only experience (for myself) was when I broke both bones in my left arm, and I waited for over two hours to even get seen...over all, I was there more than seven hours. It hurt. A lot. Oh well... Glad your little man is going to be ok!

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