Tuesday, December 29, 2009


God has done amazing things to my life. One thing I noticed, especially around the holidays, is the excitement that comes from giving. This year Adam and I decided we would spend a little extra time deciding what to give everyone. We made a list and started to shop. To see everyone open their gifts was an incredible feeling; it felt so good to give.

Our next step is to donate. Jayden received more gifts then any 2 year-old should ever get. He has so many toys and clothes we can't even open all of his new gifts. So instead of putting them in storage we are going to donate the toys to a charity. Instead of doing this behind his back we will let him do it himself. Yes, it's going to be a small challenge to make a young child give away his things but I know he will feel "berry proud" of himself once he does.


Maria said...

One thing I have done to make giving easier with TB is to talk to him quite a bit about how other families do not have everything we have and some kids do not even have food to eat. We talk about it a lot in the context of sharing, because that is a bit more easily understood by TB because he has to share at school, etc. We talk about giving and what it means, and because of that, he has been doing so with a joyful heart. It's great to watch him.

I think it is great that you are involving Jayden in giving, so he can learn the lessons as well. :)

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