Monday, March 14, 2011

Hillsong United: Aftermath Concert

On Friday night, Adam and I headed to Boston to go see Hillsong United in concert.  One of the bandmates said he would leave tickets for us last week so when Friday rolled around we couldn't wait to get down there!  Adam was able to meet with someone he had been emailing with for months now but has actually never met.  Of course they talked basketball the entire time but I guess that's what you do when you both have played professionally!

There are no words to describe how amazing the concert was.  The presence of God was everywhere!  The feeling of people coming together to sing for the same reason was just unreal.  I felt honored to be there and it was a night I will never forget!  Boston was their last stop for this tour but I am pretty sure they come back to the states in late July or August.  If they're playing anywhere by you, you should really check them out!


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