Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010

I can't believe Christmas has come and gone.  It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating Thanksgiving.  Unlike past years, this Christmas we focused more on the birth of Christ and the season of giving.  As a Christian we find it extremely important to teach Jayden the real meaning of Christmas and for a 3 year old living in a commercial centered world that can be challenging.  However, the challenge is making us stronger and helping us realize that by the grace of God we are able to teach Jayden the meaning of Christmas before anyone else does.

Adam and I both agreed to purchase a couple gifts for Jayden and the rest of the gifts under the tree would be gifts we were giving to others.  So when Christmas morning came around there were plenty of gifts under our tree but only 4 of them were for Jayden.  He was absolutely thrilled that Santa thought of him and left him 4 gifts!  By limiting the amount of gifts we purchased, he was truly able to enjoy the ones he got instead of opening them to see what it was then tossing it aside to open a new one.  I will say that my son may be the only 3 year old that is very interested in clothes.  We bought him a new dress-up jacket and he absolutely loved it!

Because we have 2 (or maybe 4, depending how you look at it) sets of divorces parents, the amount of gifts Jayden received from others was still way too much.  What are you going to do with those grandparents!  Hopefully as the years go on, we can focus more on giving to others in need instead of to each other!

From our family to yours, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and may you have a happy New Year! God Bless!
Christmas 2010


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