Friday, December 3, 2010

Parenting: Preparing Your Child to Leave

To some this might come across as a controversial post but I truly feel it is a key part in parenting.

Very bluntly, Adam and I are preparing Jayden to leave our home.  There are many different ways to take that sentence but to me, basically I am saying that when it comes time to go to college, Lord-willing, we have raised our son to be prepared and ready to live on his own.

There is no better verse in the bible that explains my point then Proverbs 22:6:

Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

The verse above says exactly what I am trying to say.  As a family, we are all on a journey with Jesus.  We are continuously teaching our son the importance of living by His command and acting as role models.  If we can strongly instill in Jayden's heart the word of the Lord then by the time he leaves our home there is no doubt in my mind that Jayden will succeed in whatever he does.  He will be mentally and spiritually prepared for whatever lies ahead of him.

On a different note, everyone has different parenting techniques, that's obvious.  However, when I see mothers just hovering over their children I begin to think what would happen if for one day their mother couldn't be there for them.  It sounds silly but I am pretty sure we've all seen it happen.  As Jayden gets older, I find myself being a more relaxed parent.  I allow him to do as much as he can on his own without getting hurt.  I am thankful that I am able to be a stay-at-home Mother but when the time comes and I have to enter the work force I want to be at ease knowing that I have prepared my son to leave the house without worrying.


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