Friday, February 12, 2010

The Old Kearstin...

As I strengthen my relationship with Jesus Christ and embark on a journey under his guidance I find myself saying, "The Old Kearstin would never do such and such" or "The Old Kearstin totally would've said such and such." And with that said, I love the new Kearstin!

So where did this come from?

I have been cutting my bangs since I arrived in Poland, basically, I couldn't see anymore because my bangs were covering my eyes. So today I decide, I would go into this random hair salon and ask her to cut my bangs. She didn't speak English but we managed to use actions to get eachothers' point. While I was there I decided I would set up an appointment for tomorrow to really get my hair done, color, cut, etc. I will tell you now, the Old Kearstin would've never done such a thing. I freak out letting my own step-sister, who is a hair stylist, cut my hair. I know I must sound pretty corny but it's the truth. The Lord has done some supernatural things to me as a person which I absolutely love.

From here on out if I will come across an "The Old Kearstin...." I will be sure to post it.

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." - 1 John 1:9


Maria said...

It's stunning how He changes our lives, isn't it?

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