Monday, March 1, 2010

March Munchie Madness

February is over. March has just begun. I hope you all enjoyed Jayden's favorite items throughout the month of February. A new month means a new topic! This month will be based on March "Munchie" Madness. I will be sharing all of my favorite recipes as well as the weekly menu in the Harrington household (yes, I make a menu every Sunday night of what we will be eating for lunch and dinner throughout the week). Before we get started I need to clear a couple things up:

1. I am the World's Pickiest Eater and it is my goal in life to make Jayden the complete opposite.
2. Before I met Adam I would not even come close to touching raw chicken.
3. I like/enjoy a total of 4 fruits and 3 vegetables.
4. I do not eat any red meat and I never will.
5. My recipes take no rocket scientist to create usually consisting of 3-8 ingredients but they are delicious!

So you may now be wondering why I cook? I throughly enjoy cooking. I consider myself a "good" cook. By no means am I great and I usually have no idea what I am doing but I am always willing to try new recipes and prepare a good, somewhat nutritious meal for my family. I think it is so important to sit down and enjoy meals, especially dinner, together as a family. There have been numerous studies that connect better performance in school and less likely to have a substance abuse problem with families that sit down and have dinner together 5 times a week. As a family, we have a home-cooked lunch and dinner 6 days a week (usually on Saturday nights we order in or go out) and I am so thankful that Adam's career allows him to do such a thing.

There you have it! I hope you enjoy the next month of easy and good recipes! Bon Appetit!


Maria said...

I like your new blog template. It's a nice look. :)

I love to cook-- more specifically, I love to cook for others. I am looking forward to seeing what you publish this month. :) Oh, and I also do meal plans since we do not get most of our food at the grocery store (CSA and a local egg/meat/dairy producers instead). It'd be impossible if I didn't have a plan, though I have been known to whip up some tasty dishes with what is around the house! :)

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